Rachael Harris, a famous American actress and comedian, was born Rachael Harris on the 12th of January in 1968. This well-known actress and comedian appeared as Tanya in The TV-Show New Girl. The year 2011, Rachael Harris received the Independent Spirit Award as the Best Female Actor in the role of Linda in Natural Selection. This article contains everything you need to know about Rachael. Rachael Harsh's bio birth date, skills, and personal traits will be revealed in this post. She was a member of the improv group The Groundlings and has performed in their shows. Otterbein College awarded her a Bachelor's Degree in the field of drama. She played Susan Heffley (voiced by Deanna) in the Disney Movie Wreck-It Ralph and the 2010 Comedy Movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Adam Paul was her spouse since 2003 to the year 2008. She married Christian Hebel in 2015. Two children were born to Christian and her.

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