Georges LeBar
Georges LeBar, an Australian artist and poet is more known for being RuPaul's life partner. LeBar is a husband to Emmy Award winner RuPaul but keeps his personal life hidden from the world. He manages a 50,000-acre farm in Wyoming which is where he is spending the majority of his time jotting notes on his ideas or changing his thoughts into vibrant canvases. While LeBar attempts to hide his personal life, his connection to the most popular drag artist in the US is sure to attract some interest. LeBar is a quieter image than the drag queen who's enigmatic. The public image isn't his forte. The couple chose to celebrate their wedding in a private ceremony. LeBar is published as a journalist and a painter. In 2007, his collection of oil works, Six Inches Away, was released. Pillow Talk contains a selection of works based on C. M. Clark's poetry. It was released in 2007.